As promised, the Common Redpoll


They're kinda finchy...


I couldn't get too close to get the real details...


But I did zoom in on one so you can see the colour...


And then I over-exposed the picture so you could REALLY see the colour!


Anyway, it's all very exciting isn't it? My friend's mum who lives on a little lake in Bala and is a wildlife photographer says she saw an albino Redpoll! Now THAT's exciting!


I see you are getting all hyped up about your new life at Stewart Loch. There are so many things to keep you busy...

Yeah, I have a few jigsaw puzzles that will help you!

I'll have to write a book called "A Year in MacTier." Kinda catchy, eh?

if you can last there a whole year! jj

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Trish Thornton published on March 26, 2004 9:36 AM.

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