July 2003 Archives

Keep on Rockin'


Alright, this may be an embarrassing picture for Jason:


But since Thorntonpages proudly presents - for the first time on the digital stage - an exclusive Kelly Wray rendition of "Keep on Rockin' in the Free World," we thought she shouldn't be the only one to blush.

So fire up your mP3 player and hear the hit of the summer! Keep on rockin'!

Look at Lois!

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Leaving Lois has a new look!

Modern and clean, functional and trippy. Leaving Lois is more than just a blog. It's a diary. It's a place for photos (of the girls happy or sad ;)) It's a forum for Lois to get outside herself and share some crazy wacky thoughts that could only come from someone who lives with Bob!

And here's the thing...if any of you guys want your own blog zone (don't need a domain name to do this...though Lois and Barb will be much cooler than you guys!), let me know and I'd be happy to set you up.

That is all. Have fun.

Toronto Alley: the Day After

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This is what the alley looked like the very next day:


Don't know whether they'll clean off the graffiti they put up...

In a Toronto alley

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This is the alley at the side of the building I work in. But don't worry...all the crap and the grafitti was put there by a film company. Disney, as a matter of fact. So all the garbage is pretty. And it doesn't smell.


What are these kids smiling about?



Looks like summer to me!


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